If you missed the Antiques Roadshow you missed quite the show!
On Sunday we held our annual Antiques Roadshow fundraiser, with a number of very unusual items appearing this year. The highlight was definitely this Canadian made Epergne dating from the 1930's. When the couple first brought the Epergne to the front table, everyone was in awe from it's beauty, and when they said it was Sterling Silver we were even more impressed. (Sterling silver means that it is at least 92.5% pure silver). One of the first things an appraiser has to do when appraising something is to check the details out carefully, and when the appraisers inspected the Epergne they found that it was not Sterling Silver but EPNS (Electroplated Nickle Silver), which means it's silver plated. What does this mean value wise? The appraiser's said that if it was sterling it's value would have been around $12500.00 but since it wasn't it was probably worth $1500-2500.00. Still quite an impressive amount for a server.
Mystery item - Approximately 1" (2.5cm) high. The top screws off with a tube going down the centre of the item. The top of the item has a hole which allowed something to come out of the container.
Some other items of note were a ship's lantern, some early tin toys, jewellery, paintings, a wonderful brass microscope, a boxing trophy and WW2 medals, dishes and cups, and this mystery item, which we couldn't identify. If you have any ideas please post them here.
Special thanks to our appraisers: Mike and Belinda Roth of 1st Choice Antiques from Moncton, and Stuart Liptay of Liptay Auctions.
The Cape Enrage Figurine - An Enigmatic Object - A SPECIAL PRESENTATION - Saturday, September 10 @ 7:30PM
In 1998, an unusual archaeological artifact was found at Cape Enrage, in Albert County, N.B.. This artifact, the Cape Enrage Figurine, is a small image of a stylized human-like head carved into a piece of mammal bone.
Come join us on Saturday, September 10 at 7:30 PM and discover what we have learned about it, and speculate about its provenance, history and cultural affiliation. With special presentation by retired UNB Professor Dr. David Black.
If you have never heard of this amazing artefact then come and find out what makes it so special!
Entrance by free will donation.
Pokémon Monsters to Invade Museum this Sunday, July 24
History of a different sort is going to happen this Sunday, July 24 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Albert County Museum, with a planned invasion of Pokémon Monsters. Located in Hopewell Cape at 3940 Route 114, just before the famous Hopewell Rocks, the museum is going to host its first Museum Monster Hunt for the new Pokémon Go game.
The Museum is extremely lucky to have 3 Pokémon Stops and a Pokémon Gym located on the Museum’s grounds. The first stop is located at the RB Bennett Monument, located in the Hopewell Cape Square at the entrance to the Museum. The Monument is dedicated to Canada’s 11th Prime Minster, RB Bennett who was born in Hopewell in 1870. He was Canada’s Leader from 1930 to 1935 during the height of the Great Depression. The next Pokémon Stop is located at the Hopewell Cape Community Hall, which was built in 1870. The last Pokémon Stop is at the Albert County Court House, a majestic building constructed in 1904 after a devastating fire. Lastly, the Pokémon Gym is located in the Silver Jubilee Lodge and Library, located on Route 114, which serves as the museum’s Admissions office and Gift Shop.
The Museum plans on setting monster lures every half hour during the day on Sunday, in the hopes to attract a number of monsters for Go players to catch. To go along with the special Museum Monster Hunt, the Museum is offering all families who come out to the Museum Monster Hunt a $5.00 discount on the Family Pass to the Museum. To receive the discount just show the Pokémon Go app at the Admissions office and Gift Shop.
When asked about the reason for the special event, Donald Alward, Manager/Curator of the museum said, “Some of our student employees play the game and mentioned about the three stops at the museum and also the Pokémon Gym in our Library. We thought this was an excellent opportunity to get people to come to the museum to not only catch some Pokémon’s but to then take a walk around and see what the museum has to offer. People are often surprised that the museum has 8 buildings and an 1845 gaol full of original prisoner graffiti.” Mr. Alward continued to say that if the first Museum Monster Hunt is a success, then we might hold one every Sunday.
See you this Sunday, July 24 from 10am until 5pm!
Museum Celebrates 40th Annual Quilt Show and Sale - July 12- 16 9:30am-5:30pm
With the summer weather finally here, cozying up in a quilt may be the last thing on your mind, but quilts are a hot commodity at the Albert County Museum right now as one of its major fundraisers gets underway.
The 40th annual quilt show and sale is taking place this week, beginning on July 12 and lasting until July 16 at the Hopewell Cape Community Hall at the Albert County Museum, 3940 Route 114, Hopewell Cape, NB.
To celebrate the 40th anniversary the museum will feature a special interactive exhibit called “Stitches Through Time” where visitors will be able to try their hand at quilting. The week will be interspersed with demonstrations as well as full workshops on Friday.
A hand quilting workshop will be offered from 10am to noon and a rug hooking workshop offered from 1pm to 3 pm. Pre-registration for the workshops is required. Call the museum at 734-2003 for details.
“The quilt show is the single biggest fundraiser for us,” said museum curator Donald Alward. “We greatly appreciate the support from those who attend this event, as well as the time put in by our wonderful volunteers to organize and keep this show running.”
This year there are more than 100 unique quilts for sale by a number of local quilters. In addition to the quilts, there are quilt tops, youth, crib & lap quilts, afghans and other sewn articles available.
The show will also once again include a raffle for one of the quilts. Tickets can be purchased throughout the summer and the quilt, which features the design ‘Road to Abbey’s House’, can be shipped anywhere in North America.
Admission to the quilt show is just three dollars per person and includes access to the “Stitches Through Time” exhibit. The Quilt Show & Sale is open each day during the museum’s regular hours, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Come Explore the 1903 Diary of Benjamin T. Carter (1844-1922) - Opening Windows to our Past Series Continues - Thursday, June 30 @ 7:30pm
The Albert County Museum is excited to host our second of five "Opening Windows to Our Past" Diary Explorations, Thursday, June 30 at 7:30 pm. Taking place the last Thursday of every month, the "Opening Windows to Our Past" Series, is going to explore some of the many diaries in the museum's collection. It's a walk through the past as told by the very people who lived it!
Our next diary was written by Benjamin T. Carter (1844-1922). Here is a brief biography as written by Zachary A. Tingley, a student guide at the museum.
It was 1861 in Hopewell Cape Albert County, a young clerk was aiding patrons as they inquired about his father’s masonry work. This young man was Benjamin T. Carter (1844-1922), the son of Christopher and Barbra Carter. Benjamin was baptized at St. John’s Anglican Church in Rustico, Prince Edward Island on 16 March 1845. His family moved to Albert County between 1851 and 1861, the exact timing remains unclear. Nevertheless, in the 1850’s Christopher Carter moved his family to Hopewell Cape in search of work as a stone mason.
Benjamin’s experiences in Hopewell Cape helped shape him into a successful master mariner and community steward. His position in the community allowed him to form intimate relationships with the Bennett family in Hopewell Cape, and this only augmented his status within the community.
Benjamin was first married to a Julia A. Dickson (1850-1870), it was with his first wife that he had his first two, and only, children Charles and Lillian. After Julia died in 1870 Benjamin was left a widower with two children, this was not an ideal situation to be in during the mid-1800s. As a result, Benjamin married again in 1872, his second wife was Althea M. Bennett (1836-1906). Althea was the sister of Henry J. Bennett, R. B. Bennett’s father. The reasons for Althea’s death remain unclear; however, what is clear is that it took some time before Benjamin was ready to marry again. Yet in 1911, Benjamin was married again to his third and last wife Jessie McNaughton. She remained his wife until his death in 1922.
Not much is presently know about Capt. Benjamin Carter’s time as a sea captain; however, Benjamin did receive his captain’s certificate in 1895 in Saint John, New Brunswick. His diaries seem to reveal more about his life as a farmer and community leader in Hopewell Cape rather than as a Captain on the high seas. Capt. Benjamin T. Carter was a father, farmer, captain, husband, and even a sheriff. Capt. Benjamin Carter currently is resting in the Jonah Cemetery in Dawson Settlement, New Brunswick with his first wife Alice.
Come on out Thursday, June 30 @ 7:30pm and find out what he has to say!
The Next Opening Windows to Our Past Series is:
Thursday, July 28 @ 7:30pm
Thursday, August 25 @ 7:30pm
Thursday, September 29 @ 7:30pm
Museum to Celebrate 75th Anniversary of Viscount Bennett's Elevation at 6th Annual RB Bennett Day - July 2
The RB Bennett Commemorative Centre at the Albert County Museum is hosting the 6th annual RB Bennett Day on Saturday, July 2 in celebration of the only Canadian Prime Minister from New Brunswick. Located in Hopewell Cape at 3940 Route 114, just before the famous Hopewell Rocks, activities begin in the morning with the weekly Farmers and Crafters Market and continues with activities planned throughout the day. With the feature presentation at 2pm by noted historian and current Secretary to the Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, Dr. Christopher McCreery.
75 years ago on July 23, 1941, Richard Bedford Bennett, Canada's 11th Prime Minister was elevated into the British House of Lords as the 1st Viscount Bennett, of Mickleham, in the County of Surrey and of Calgary and Hopewell, in the Dominion of Canada. In honour of this momentous occasion, Dr. Christopher McCreery, editor of the recently published book “The Authentic Voice of Canada: R.B. Bennett in the House of Lords.” will speak on Bennett.
The Centre will also offer a presentation on Bennett's rise to the peerage, with notable artefacts on hand from Bennett himself, including his gifts to the Garter King at Arms, Sir Gerald W. Wollaston K.C.B., K.C.V.O. a large impressive silver salver and sterling cigarette case. In addition to these the museum will bring to life the elevation ceremony, through a visual media presentation.
Directly following the activities, the annual birthday cake will be served celebrating RB Bennett's 146th Birthday (July 3, 1870).
The Farmer's Market & Breakfast is from 9am-1pm. Family oriented games and activities will be hosted the whole day (9:30am to 4pm). The main presentations will begin at 2pm followed by cake and homemade ice-cream.
The museum will offer free admission during the day to see all the displays and interactive exhibits.
AC Museum to Commemorate New Brunswick Battalions of the Great War - June 11
On June 11, 2016, everyone is invited to visit between 10:00am and 4:00pm to share memories and memorabilia from the First World War relating to New Brunswick’s significant contribution. A number of other Museums will be on hand for the day with items from their collections for a great show and tell experience. Besides the Albert County Museum, Resurgo Place (Moncton Museum), Musee Acadien and the New Brunswick Military History Museum will all bring items to help share New Brunswick's stories and answer questions.
The event is not just limited to collections housed in museums either. The public is also invited to bring items and memorabilia from their private collections to show publicly for the day. If you wish to bring along some items, please contact the Albert County Museum in advance at 734-2003 to reserve your space.
The Museum will offer admission with a free-will donation towards the Museum’s Victory Cannon Campaign for the restoration of the two First World War Trophy Cannons that sit prominently next to the highway in front of the museum buildings.
If you're wondering if your items are from New Brunswick, here is a list of all the NB raised Battalions and Batteries:
New Brunswick Battalions of the Great War - Come Share Your Memories and Memorabilia - Sat. June 11, 2016 10am-4pm
On June 11, 2016 from 10am until 4pm we are hosting a New Brunswick Battalions of the Great War Event, where we are bringing together collectors, museums and individuals to share Memories and Memorabilia of the First World War. If you have one piece or a whole collection of items from any of the New Brunswick Battalions and Batteries we encourage you to come out. Please share this with anyone who might be interested. Admission is a free-will donation to the Victory Cannon Campaign, which is restoring two WW1 German cannons that sit in the square in Hopewell Cape, NB. This event will be held in the Community Hall at the Albert County Museum, in Hopewell Cape, NB.
Special Events 2016 - Full Slate of Exciting Events Planned for Upcoming Season
The upcoming season at the Albert County Museum and RB Bennett Commemorative Centre is going to be an exciting one! With a full calendar of events planned, we couldn't be more excited! We think we have planned something for everyone! All our events are listed here, and you can click the gCal or iCal button and it will add it to your calendar automatically! Technology is amazing sometimes.
Mother’s Day Supper May 8, 2016 (Sunday) at 6:00pm Treat your Mom to a delicious dinner. Advance Tickets $15 (no tickets at door)
Anglophone East School District Regional Heritage Fair May 11, 2016 (Wednesday) 2:00pm to 3:30pm Public viewing of student projects followed by Awards Ceremony at 3:30pm.
Museum Breakfast May 21 to October 8, 2016 (Every Saturday) 9:00am to 12:00 noon Each week features a diff erent breakfast sourced from the local economy.
Official Museum & Market Opening May 21, 2016 (Saturday) 11:00am Come out to celebrate the start of another season. Join us for the opening of a new exhibit “Steeves: 250 Years in Albert County”
Opening Windows to Our Past Last Thursday of Each Month (May to September) at 7:30pm Looking through Diaries from Albert County.
Farmers and Craft ers Market May 21 to October 8, 2016 (Every Saturday) 9:00am to 1:00pm Local foods and craft s ... grown, harvested and made right here in Albert County.
Father’s Day Supper June 19, 2016 (Sunday) at 6:00pm Treat your Dad to a delicious dinner. Advance tickets $15.00 (no tickets at door)
New Brunswick Battalions of Th e Great War June 11, 2016 (Saturday) 10:00am to 4:00pm Come share Memories and Memorabilia of the Great War. Admission by Donation to Victory Cannon Campaign.
Sixth Annual R.B. Bennett Day July 2, 2016 (Saturday) 9:00am to 4:00pm Come celebrate the birthday of Canada’s 11th Prime Minister. Free Birthday Cake! Museum Admission by Donation
40th Anniversary Quilt Show & Sale July 12 to 16, 2016 (Tuesday to Saturday) 9:30am to 5:30pm (Admission $3.00) Display & sale of hand craft ed quilts and goods. Watch for details about special history displays, demonstrations and workshops.
Steeves 250 July 22 to 29, 2016 (Friday to Friday) See our special exhibit “Steeves: 250 Years in Albert County” Visit www.steeves250.com for reunion details.
Black Forest Supper July 27, 2016 (Wednesday) at 6:00pm A Baden-Württemberg inspired evening. Advance Tickets $25 (no tickets at door)
NB Day Annual Lobster Supper August 1, 2016 (Monday) 5:00pm to 8:00pm Market Price (tickets available at door) Chicken option available.
Royalty Tea August 10, 2016 (Wednesday) at 2:00pm Celebrating the Queen’s 90th Birthday Advance Tickets $15 (no tickets at door)
Antique Road Show September 18, 2016 (Sunday) 2:00pm to 4:00pm Have your antiques appraised ($5.00 per item or 3 for $10.00)
“Christmas Memories” Concert November 20, 2016 (Sunday) at 2:00pm Festive music, singing, dancing, drama & refreshments. Advance tickets $12.50
Albert County Historical Society Annual General Meeting October 20, 2016 (Thursday) at 7:30pm 2017 Memberships will be available.
"Christmas in the Parlour" - An Evening Spent by the Fireside - Tickets still available!
The Albert County Historical Society will present "Christmas in the Parlour" Concerts at the Albert County Museum, 3940 Rte 114, Hopewell Cape, NB on Saturday, Nov. 21 at 7pm & Sunday, Nov. 22 at 2pm.
“Come sit by the fireside in an old-fashioned parlour to enjoy festive singing, toe-tapping music, step-dancing, and storytelling. Performers include: Close Harmony, Maple Sugar, Mac & Kim Wilmot, Judy Ayles, Sara & James Nelson, Justin Bannister, Joe Gallant, Lori Joudrey, Dawne & Connie, Len LeBlanc. In keeping with tradition, following the concert program, everyone is invited to enjoy home-baked cookies and hot mulled cider as they chat with friends. ”
Tickets $12. To reserve tickets call Dawne McLean 734-3105 or call Museum 734-2003 and leave a message.
Did I say PARADE? This Saturday (June 13) at the Albert County Museum featuring the Royal New Brunswick Regiment, the RCMP Pipes and Drums, the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 32, the Riverview Veteran's Association, the 560 Moncton Army Cadets and others; in a COLOUR PARADE - Commemorating the Sailing of the 26th New Brunswick Battalion 100 Years-to-the-Day, June 13, 1915. The events begin at 2:00 pm with a General Call to Assembly, followed by presentations on the 26th New Brunswick Battalion, known as the Fighting 26th and continues until the highlight of the day, the Colour Parade at 4:15 pm (sharp).
For more details call the museum 506-734-2003, or click here.