The following is a list of the Research Holdings located in our Resource Room that are available for Public Viewing.  The Resource Room is open during the regular hours of the Museum.  Access to the Resource Room during the off season can be arranged by contacting the Museum Manager/Curator.

  #         Title

173         1812 A Guide to the War and its Legacy

35           1851 Census for Kings County, New Brunswick Volume I

22           1851 Census for Kings County, New Brunswick Volume II

120         1851 Census, Carleton County, New Brunswick

121         1851 Census, Charlotte County, New Brunswick Volume I

122         1851 Census, Charlotte County, New Brunswick Volume II

123         1851 Census, Restigouche County, New Brunswick

124         1851 Census, Saint John County, New Brunswick Volume I

125         1851 Census, Saint John County, New Brunswick Volume II

126         1851 Census, Sunbury County, New Brunswick

86           1851 Census, Westmorland County, New Brunswick Volume I

87           1851 Census, Westmorland County, New Brunswick Volume II

127         1851 Census, York County, New Brunswick

128         1851-1861-1871-1881 Census Records, Alnwick, Northumberland County, New Brunswick

111         1861 Census, Albert County, New Brunswick

83           1861 Census, Gloucester County, New Brunswick

129         1861 Census, Kent County, New Brunswick

45           1861 Census, Westmorland County, New Brunswick

39           1871 Census, Albert County, New Brunswick (3 Copies)

70           1871 Census, Westmorland County, New Brunswick

57           1881 Census, Albert County, New Brunswick

109         1891 Census, Westmorland County, New Brunswick Volume I

110         1891 Census, Westmorland County, New Brunswick Volume II

21           400 Years of Log Fences

73           75th Anniversary Edition of The Shepody Loyal Riverside Consolidated School 1905-1980

91           A Catalogue of Published Genealogies of Nova Scotia Families

168         A Genealogical History of the Decendents of Abiel Peck - The Ancestor of the Hopewell Pecks

161         A Genealogy of William Christopher of Portsmouth, New Hampshire and of the Frigate USS Essex

62           A History of Riverside-Albert

31           A History of Riverview

28           A history of the Acadians in Albert County

6              Albert County Census - Alma Parish

1              Albert County Census - Coverdale Parish

13           Albert County Census - Elgin Parish

10           Albert County Census - Harvey Parish

7              Albert County Census - Hillsborough Parish

2              Albert County Census - Hopewell Parish

43           Albert County Family Histories: Converse Richardson; The Irish Smiths

41           Albert County Family Histories: John Benjamin Weir; Beverly Wellington; Wilbrand History; The Maple Leaf 1890 to 1901 (genealogical/historical transcriptions)

47           Albert County Family Histories: Jonah Family; Philip & John Kelly; Kelly Family: Scotland and Alma, NB; Molly Kool; Daniel Lyman; Abner Reid McClelan; William Nichol; Michael Power

46           Albert County Family Histories: R B Bennett; Richard Butland 1797-1876; Edward Walton Colpitts 1878-1959; Edgett Family

130         Albert County Genealogical Guide: 2006 (Provincial Archives New Brunswick)

4              Albert County Names Database

9              Albert County Probate Records 1846-1867

42           Albert County Scrapbook Volume 2

61           Albert County Vessels

59           Albert Watson Bennett - Judge

104         An Historical Guide to New Brunswick Revised Edition

102         An Intimate History of New Brunswick

29           Ancestry and Posterity of Converse Richardson

64           Arthur goes to Alma: memoir of Arthur Gordon Ferris working in lumbering operations

172         Atlantic Canada A History

103         Atlantic Schooners

153         Bennett: the rebel who challenged and changed a nation

32           Branches of a Family Tree: The Hoar Ancestry

78           Caledonia Albert County NB The Last 200 Years

142         Canada's Prime Ministers - MacDonald to Trudeau

179         Captain Andrew Newcomb; Lieutenant Andrew Newcomb; Humphrey Gilbert Newcombe; Descendants of Captain Andrew Newcomb; Descendants of Sarah Rogers

48           Catholic Cemeteries of Albert County

8              Cemeteries of Albert County New Brunswick

107         Cemeteries of Albert County New Brunswick (2002)

160         Cemeteries of Albert County New Brunswick (2003)

37           Census - Moncton Parish 1861, Alma Parish 1861 & Coverdale Parish 1871 (Alternate copies with other information)

85           Census Record 1881 for Kingston Parish, Kings County, New Brunswick

84           Census Records of 1851, 1861, 1871 and 1881 for Kingston Parish, Kings County, New Brunswick

3              Colpitts Family - Genealogy Index

67           Colpitts, Dawson, Johnston, Graves, Magee: Ten Generations as Canadians 1743-1991

106         Come Home When The Whistle Blows: the history of Alma up to 1950

40           Crown Land Grant Index

176         Cy Peck,  V.C. - A Biography of a Legendary Canadian

116         Deaths, Burials, and Probate of Nova Scotians, 1749-1799, Volume 1 (A-K)

117         Deaths, Burials, and Probate of Nova Scotians, 1749-1799, Volume 2 (L-Z)

27           Digest of Ancestry and Early History of the Hoar(e) Family and Decent of the New Brunswick Family from Charles Hoare of Gloucester, England

11           Early Families - Albert and Westmorland Counties Region:  Alward; Atkinson; Bannister; Beaman; Beckett; Beckwith; Beers; Bentley; Bettenson; Biggs; Black; Bleakney; Botsford; Bowser; Branscombe; Brown; Brownell; Burnham; Carpenter; Carten; Chapman; Christopher; Cochran; Cole; Collier; Colpitts; Corey; Cox; Crandall; Cuneen; Dewthwait; Dixon; Dobson; Donahue; Donovan; Duncan; Dutcher; Eagles; Edgett; Elliott; Ewing; Fawcett; Friel; Geldart; Gibson; Gilbert; Goddard; Goggin; Goodwin; Hanlon; Harrison; Harrop; Hatfield; Hennessey; Hicks; Hodgson; Hogan; Hopkins; Hopper; Horsman; Irving; Jack; Johnston; Jonah (Jeanue); Jones; Kain; Keith; Keirstead; Killam; Kinne; Kyle; Lackey; Leeman; Lewis; Lutz; MacCallum; Martin; McKennelley; McLean; McManus; McQuade; McRae; Milburn; Mitton; Mollins; Morrell; Myles; Nichol; Nowlan; O’Brien; O’Neill; Orr; Oulton; Owens; Paisley; Parkin; Perkins; Perry; Phelen; Power; Price; Prosser; Raworth; Reardon; Richardson; Ricker; Robinson; Seeley; Shafer; Shea; Sheehan; Sheridan; Short; Sinton; Slocum; Smith; Somers; Starkey; Steeves; Sutherland; Symes; Taylor; Thorne; Tingley; Trenholm; Trites; Turner; Veale; Vincent; Ward; Warde; Weldon; West; Wickwire; Wiggins; Wilmot; Wilson; Woodworth; Worden; Wortman; Wright

80           Elgin Revisited

99           For Love of Stone Vol. 1 The Story of New Brunswick's Building Stone Industry

100         For Love of Stone Vol. 2 An Overview of Stone Buildings in New Brunswick

177         Friends - Sixty Years of Intimate Personal Relations with Richard Bedford Bennett

171         Fundy Album: A Photo History

82           Funeral Director's Ledger of James W. Fullerton from Albert, NB  1893-1910

68           Gaius Samuel Turner of Albert County: A New Brunswick Shipbuilder and Entrepreneur, 1874-1892 (Thesis)

81           Guillaume (Billy) Johnson: His Story, Our History

164         Head of the Bay: A History of the Maringouin Peninsula, Bay of Fundy, Canada

132         Henry Erb - Loyalist Settler of the Belle Isle New Brunswick and Some of His Decendants

65           Hillsborough Women's Institute: History of the Village of Hillsborough

5              History of Albert County - Includes The Busy East of Canada, April-May 1925

34           History: Dawson Settlement School

118         In Which County? Nova Scotia Surnames from Birth Registers 1864-1877

119         Index to Funeral Records and Ledgers 1899-1927 of J.C.B. Olive, Funeral Director and Embalmer, Truro, Colchester County, Nova Scotia

131         Index to the James Smith Ledger 1844 to 1854

156         Keith Family Newsletters Volumes 1 - 15

157         Keith Family Newsletters Volumes 16 - 30

158         Keith Family Newsletters Volumes 31 -

98           List of Lights, Buoys and Fog Signals - Canada 1969

50           Log between the "Annie E" and Owners commencing June 1st, 1868

16           Marriage Register Albert County NB - 1846-1887 (2 Copies)

12           Marriage Register Westmorland County NB - 1790-1856 - Part 1 (2 Copies)

134         Marriages 1882 - 1901 Volume 1 A to G (2 Copies)

135         Marriages 1882 - 1901 Volume 2 H to O (2 Copies)

136         Marriages 1882 - 1901 Volume 3 P to Z (2 Copies)

137         Marriages 1902 - 1910 Volume 1 A to L

138         Marriages 1902 - 1910 Volume 2 M to Z

139         Marriages 1911 - 1919 Volume 1 A to L

140         Marriages 1911 - 1919 Volume 2 M to Z

141         Marriages 1920 - 1925

105         Memories of WWII in the RCAF

58           Minnie's Journal - A Sea Voyage in 1876

146         My Early Life (Lord Beaverbrook)

26           New Brunswick Schools: A Guide to Archival Sources

77           New Brunswick Shipbuilders Checklist - Albert County

72           New Horton Island Cemetery 1790-1951

92           Nova Scotia Genealogical Sources County Guide Series: No.2 - Kings County

93           Nova Scotia Genealogical Sources County Guide Series: No.4 - Pictou County

94           Nova Scotia Genealogical Sources County Guide Series: No.6 - Colchester County

95           Nova Scotia Genealogical Sources County Guide Series: No.7 - Guysborough County

89           Nova Scotia Vital Statistics from Newspapers - 1769-1812

17           Nova Scotia Vital Statistics from Newspapers - 1813-1822 (2 Copies)

19           Nova Scotia Vital Statistics from Newspapers - 1823-1828

18           Pioneers of New Brunswick 1783 to 1963 (2 Copies)

30           Planters and Pioneers, Nova Scotia, 1749 to 1775

143         R.B. Bennett (Andrew D. MacLean)

145         R.B. Bennett (Ernest Watkins)

149         R.B. Bennett: The Calgary Years

151         Reaction & Reform: The Politics of the Conservative Party under R.B. Bennett 1927-1938

162         Recollections of Family Life as recollected by Marion Brewster-Hawkes Nelson

165         Reconnaissance Archéologique de 1994 et inventaire historique du parc provincial des Rochers

54           Reflections of an Era: Portraits of 19th Century New Brunswick ships

88           Religious Marriages in Halifax, 1768-1841

55           Research Holdings in Moncton Area (April 1995)

52           Researching Your Ancestors in New Brunswick, Canada

49           Robert Dickson Copy of Account Book

163         Robert Simpson & Lydia Wilson Family Group Record

79           Rocks Provincial Park: The 1994 Archaeological Survey and Historical Inventory

71           Ruby Anderson's Scrapbook

97           School Records - Selected Schools from Alma and Harvey Parishes

75           Sensible Census 1891 Albert County

76           Sensible Census 1901 Albert County

24           Sheriffs, Constables, Wardens and Jailors 1901 to 1959

113         The 1838 Census Index of Annapolis County Nova Scotia

114         The 1838 Census Index of Digby County Nova Scotia

112         The 1838 Census Index of Hants & Kings Counties Nova Scotia

115         The 1838 Census Index of Pictou County Nova Scotia

166         The American Cicil War: The Service Records of Atlantic Canadians With the State of Maine Volunteers - Volume 1: A to L

167         The American Cicil War: The Service Records of Atlantic Canadians With the State of Maine Volunteers - Volume 2: M to Z

152         The Authentic Voice of Canada: R.B. Bennett's Speeches in the House of Lords 1941-1947

147         The Bennett New Deal: Fraud or Portent?

108         The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - A Guide for Canadians

133         The Dawsons - Decendants of Thomas and Rachel of Hillsborough New Brunswick

154         The Decendants of Edmund and Jane (Webb) Price

155         The Decendants of Edmund and Jane (Webb) Price Appendix I

38           The Descendants and Ancestors of Thomas Calhoun of Albert County, New Brunswick

69           The Descendants of Daniel and Elizabeth (Disbrow) Keith

25           The Descendants of John Nugent

74           The Diary of Iva E Calhoun 1895-1899 (Typed)

51           The Diary of Iva E Calhoun Volume 3 1901 to 1906 (Photocopy of Hand Written)

44           The Diary of Iva E Calhoun Volume 3 1901 to 1906 Incomplete (Typed)

175         The Discovery of Weather - Stephen Saxby, the tumultuous birth of weather forecasting, and Saxby's Gale of 1869

56           The Fullertons of North America

144         The Great Crash 1929

63           The History of Kings County Nova Scotia: Heart of the Acadian Land

53           The History of The Hillsborough Girls Choir

20           The Keith Family Album Book

150         The Loner: Three Sketches of the Personal Life and Ideas of RB Bennett, 1870-1947 (2 copies)

66           The New Brunswick Census of 1851 Albert County New Brunswick, Canada (2 Copies)

178         The Osbornes From Osborne Corner - Known Decendants of Moses and Sarah Osborne

23           The Prosser Family

170         The Salt and the Fir: Report on the History of the Fundy Park Area by Gilbert Allardyce

14           The Steeves Family - Germany to New Brunswick

36           The Weldon Genealogy

96           The Women of Albert County

148         The wrethced of Canada: Letters to R.B. Bennett 1930-1935

101         Toponymy Study 2 Geographical Names of New Brunswick

90           Township Books - Kings County, Nova Scotia - Aylesford, Cornwallis, Horton

33           Transcript of Proceedings: Fundy National Park Public Hearing October 29, 1970

174         Underground New Brunswick Stories of Archaeology

60           Vital Statistics and Items from Newspapers of Newfoundland - From 1834 to 1854

169         We are part of the Butland Family

15           Where the Uplands Meet The Marshes

159         Yesteryear: History articles written or edited by Eleanor Goggin

**           County Birth Registers Index Second Edition 1801-1899 (11 Volumes)

**           Albert County Records - Libro Index 1846-1977 (Land Transactions) (14 Volumes)

**           New Brunswick Vital Statistics From Newspapers 1784 - 1869 (27 Volumes)

                Index of Surnames being researched by members of the New Brunswick Genealogical Society, April 30, 1982

                Generations 10 - A collection of the first ten issues of the Newsletter of the New Brunswick Genealogical Society for the period June 1979 to December 1981

                Generations - June 1983

                Generations - September 1983

                Generations - December 1983

                Generations - March 1984

                Generations - September 1984

                Generations - December 1984

                Generations - September 1985

                Generations - December 1985

                Generations - March 1986

                Generations - September 1986

                Generations - December 1986

                Generations - March 1987

                Generations - December 1987

                Generations - March 1988

                Generations - September 1988

                Generations - December 1988

                Generations - March 1989

                Generations - June 1989

                Generations - September 1989

                Generations - December 1989

                Generations - March 1990

                Generations - June 1990

                Generations - September 1990

                Generations - December 1990

                Generations - March 1991

                Generations - June 1991

                Generations - September 1991

                Generations - December 1991

                Generations - March 1992 (3 Copies)

                Generations - Summer 1992

                Generations - Autumn 1992 (2 Copies)

                Generations - Winter 1992

                Generations - Spring 1993

                Generations - Summer 1993

                Generations - Fall 1993

                Generations - Winter 1993

                Generations - Spring 1994

                Generations - Summer 1994

                Generations - Fall 1994

                Generations - Winter 1994

                Generations - Spring 1995

                Generations - Summer 1995

                Generations - Fall 1995

                Generations - Winter 1995

                Generations - Spring 1996

                Generations - Summer 1996

                Generations - Fall 1996

                Generations - Winter 1996

                Generations - Spring 1997

                Generations - Summer 1997

                Generations - Fall 1997

                Generations - Winter 1997

                Generations - Spring 1998

                Generations - Summer 1998

                Generations - Fall 1998

                Generations - Winter 1998

                Generations - Spring 1999

                Generations - Summer 1999

                Generations - Fall 1999

                Generations - Winter 1999

                Generations - Spring 2000

                Generations - Summer 2000

                Generations - Fall 2000

                Generations - Winter 2000

                Generations - Spring 2001

                Generations - Summer 2001

                Generations - Fall 2001

                Generations - Winter 2001

                Generations - Spring 2002

                Generations - Summer 2002

                Generations - Fall 2002

                Generations - Winter 2002

                Generations - Spring 2003

                Generations - Summer 2003

                Generations - Fall 2003

                Generations - Winter 2003

                Generations - Spring 2004

                Generations - Summer 2004

                Generations - Fall 2004

                Generations - Winter 2004

                Generations - Spring 2005

                Generations - Summer 2005

                Generations - Fall 2005

                Generations - Winter 2005

                Generations - Spring 2006

                Generations - Summer 2006

                Generations - Fall 2006

                Generations - Winter 2006

                Generations - Spring 2007

                Generations - Summer 2007

                Generations - Fall 2007

                Generations - Winter 2007

                The Nova Scotia Genealogist - Spring 1996

                The Nova Scotia Genealogist - Summer 1996

                The Nova Scotia Genealogist - Autumn 1996

                The Nova Scotia Genealogist - Spring 1997

                The Nova Scotia Genealogist - Summer 1997

                The Nova Scotia Genealogist - Spring 1998

                The Nova Scotia Genealogist - Summer 1998

                The Nova Scotia Genealogist - Spring 1999

                The Nova Scotia Genealogist - Summer 1999