A now unfamiliar name, the Bank of New Brunswick was established in 1820 in Saint John, and was the first bank in Canada to operate under a charter. After difficulties raising capital, the bank was later sold to the Bank of Nova Scotia in 1913, becoming part of what is known as Scotiabank today.
The purpose of this toy bank is for the Bank of New Brunswick to encourage children to save money. These toy savings banks were loaned to children while the bank retained the key. The goal was for the child to fill the savings bank, return it to their branch, and have the savings deposited into the child's savings account.
This specific toy bank has the name Margie C. hand-carved on the bottom, as the bank likely belonged to Margery Love Cleveland, who was the youngest daughter of prominent Alma business owner Judson Cleveland. The key is missing, but it sounds like there might be something inside…
This postcard shows a depiction of the bank of Nova Scotia, formerly the Bank of New Brunswick. What is wrong with this photo?